
Basic Auth:

Status: Deprecated. No bug reports or pull requests are welcomed
for this middleware. However, this middleware will not be removed.
Instead, you should use basic-auth.

Enfore basic authentication by providing a callback(user, pass),
which must return true in order to gain access. Alternatively an async
method is provided as well, invoking callback(user, pass, callback). Populates
req.user. The final alternative is simply passing username / password

Simple username and password

connect(connect.basicAuth('username', 'password'));

Callback verification

  .use(connect.basicAuth(function(user, pass){
    return 'tj' == user && 'wahoo' == pass;

Async callback verification, accepting fn(err, user).

  .use(connect.basicAuth(function(user, pass, fn){
    User.authenticate({ user: user, pass: pass }, fn);


module.exports = function basicAuth(callback, realm) {
  var username, password;

  // user / pass strings
  if ('string' == typeof callback) {
    username = callback;
    password = realm;
    if ('string' != typeof password) throw new Error('password argument required');
    realm = arguments[2];
    callback = function(user, pass){
      return user == username && pass == password;

  realm = realm || 'Authorization Required';

  return function(req, res, next) {
    var authorization = req.headers.authorization;

    if (req.user) return next();
    if (!authorization) return unauthorized(res, realm);

    var parts = authorization.split(' ');

    if (parts.length !== 2) return next(utils.error(400));

    var scheme = parts[0]
      , credentials = new Buffer(parts[1], 'base64').toString()
      , index = credentials.indexOf(':');

    if ('Basic' != scheme || index < 0) return next(utils.error(400));

    var user = credentials.slice(0, index)
      , pass = credentials.slice(index + 1);

    // async
    if (callback.length >= 3) {
      var pause = utils.pause(req);
      callback(user, pass, function(err, user){
        if (err || !user)  return unauthorized(res, realm);
        req.user = req.remoteUser = user;
    // sync
    } else {
      if (callback(user, pass)) {
        req.user = req.remoteUser = user;
      } else {
        unauthorized(res, realm);